To be happy and healthy it is essential that we keep both our bodies and minds active. Thankfully following the current government response to Covid-19, provided we observe social distancing guidelines, we are allowed to go out once a day to exercise, which is brilliant. Members of the Broadside Training team have been making the most of the Spring sunshine, taking in some fresh air and are either cycling, running or walking their dogs.
Inside the house, exercise has involved lots of support from an online community of amazing resources and included PE with Joe Wicks, dance workouts, yoga, hula hooping and even drumming, amongst others. We are going to be so fit once this is all over!
While exercise is fantastic for our body and soul, we need to take care of our minds too. Obviously, being a vocational training company, we believe in the benefits of learning new skills, increasing your knowledge and developing your job prospects. Learning a new skill is great for keeping the brain healthy, is good for mental health and building confidence.
If you are doing classroom-based learning you have the added benefit of sharing ideas with other people and get the opportunity to ask the trainer lots of questions.
The added benefits of e-learning are that you can do it in the comfort of your own home or any other great space of your choice and can do it at a time that suits you, how great is that?
We believe that training should be as flexible as possible to suit the needs and lives of all of our learners so our ever-growing programme of courses is a mix of classroom-based and e-learning to help you get the most out of you!
